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Join BALIF's Amicus Committee and Progress LGBT Rights

13 Mar 2012 8:46 AM | BALIF Administrator (Administrator)

Join BALIF's Amicus Committee
and Progress LGBT Rights

BALIF's amicus efforts have impacted successful outcomes in the Prop 8 litigation, such as:

  • The N.D. California decision that a gay judge may decide gay rights cases without having to recuse himself.
  • The Ninth Circuit and N.D. California decisions that voter initiatives may not single out same-sex couples in California and deny them a right to marry.

Additionally, past amicus briefs have lead to:

  • The Ninth Circuit decision that the United States Army could not bar a soldier's reenlistment solely on the basis of his or her sexual orientation, before Don't Ask Don't Tell.
  • The Supreme Court of California decision that it was unconstitutional for California to prohibit same-sex marriage.
  • The Supreme Court of the United States decision that the federal government's blanket prohibition on "indecent" speech on the internet violated the First Amendment.

Help shape LGBT rights by getting involved with BALIF's Amicus Committee. Contact to get started.

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