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General Contact Information

P.O. Box 193383
San Francisco, CA 94119
415.874.3045 [T]
415.520.0708 [F]

Katie Carlson Cartwright
Administrative Director

If you have any questions about the BALIF, contact Katie Carlson Cartwright at

Contact Board Members

BALIF functions through the leadership of its 18 member Board of Directors. Board members are elected by the general membership for a two year term, with vacant seats open for election every April. Board members must be BALIF members in good standing. The Board maintains gender parity with seats evenly divided between men, women, and trans/gender non-conforming individuals. 

Alyssa Aguilar
CCBA Co-Chair
New Lawyers Co-Chair

Jamal Anderson
DEI Committee
New Lawyers Co-Chair

Hanna Chan
Community Ambassador Co-Chair
DEI Committee

Raisa Dyadkina
BALIF Co-Chair
Gala Co-Chair
Judiciary Co-Chair

Ezekiel Gorrocino
Social Co-Chair
Communications & Social Media Co-Chair

Dustin Helmer
BALIF Co-Chair
Judiciary Co-Chair

Melanie Kim
Membership Co-Chair

Lindsey Kincaid
Membership Co-Chair
Communications & Social Media Co-Chair
Social Co-Chair

Connor Kratz
Activism Co-Chair
Community Ambassador Co-Chair

Caleb Krywenko
Law Student Representative

Rafael Langer-Osuna
Amicus Co-Chair
DEI Committee

Lauren LaVare
Activism Co-Chair
Amicus Co-Chair

Euni Lee
Law Student Representative

Jon Lucchese
CCBA Co-Chair
Membership Co-Chair

Ernie Mejia
CCBA Co-Chair
DEI Committee

Myell Mergaert
Social Co-Chair

Virginia Millacci
Gala Co-Chair

Sam Potts
Community Ambassador Co-Chair

Dani Tishkoff Chidester
Social Co-Chair
Communications & Social Media Co-Chair

Daniel Turner
BALIF Co-Chair Elect
Judiciary Co-Chair
New Lawyers Co-Chair

Keerthi (Kiki) Yalamanchili
Law Student Representative

Call or Email Us
Office: +1 415 874-3045

P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119