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Second Annual WLAC/Rhoda and Judge Stuart Hing Scholarship

13 Aug 2019 8:23 AM | BALIF Administrator (Administrator)

Women Lawyers of Alameda County will again be awarding one $5,000 law student scholarship this year, courtesy of the Stuart and Rhoda Hing Charitable Trust.  The scholarship will be presented by the Hings at the WLAC Annual Judges’ Dinner on October 24, 2019, at Scott’s Seafood Restaurant in Jack London Square.

The WLAC/Rhoda and Judge Stuart Hing Scholarship was created in 2018.  As an attorney, Judge Hing was a Board member of WLAC, and even after his appointment to the Alameda County Superior Court in 2008, he continued to serve for almost a decade as a judicial liaison to the Board.  This Scholarship represents a continuing commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equality, values shared by WLAC and the Stuart and Rhoda Hing Charitable Trust.

The ideal candidate for this scholarship is:

1.     Diverse*;

2.     A law student**;

3.     An individual with a demonstrated commitment to advocating for issues impacting women and/or the advancement of women in the legal profession;

4.     Engaged in a leadership role in her/his/their community or demonstrates significant leadership potential;

5.     Actively engaged in the Alameda County legal community; and

6.     Able to attend the WLAC Annual Judges’ Dinner to receive the Scholarship.

*   Has two or more intersecting background factors: e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.
**  Has completed at least one year of law school and is currently in good standing.

Interested candidates should email the following submissions in a single pdf file to Dorothy Chou Proudfoot at, with the subject line “WLAC/Hing Scholarship Application”: 

·          A copy of a certified law school transcript (including proof of good standing); 

·          A current resume or curriculum vitae;

·          A personal statement of NO MORE THAN TWO DOUBLE-SPACED PAGES, addressing why the candidate exemplifies the description above;

·          Up to one (1) letter of recommendation addressing the candidate’s suitability for this scholarship; and

·          A statement confirming availability to attend the WLAC Annual Judges’ Dinner on October 24, 2019. A ticket to the Dinner will be provided to the scholarship recipient.

Finalists will be contacted in September to schedule an interview time on September 24 or 25, 2019.


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