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BALIF Members Attend 31st meeting of the California Conference of Bar Associations

30 Sep 2011 9:17 AM | BALIF Administrator (Administrator)

BALIF members Jo Hoeniger, Ernst Halprin and Dan Dean and BALIF board members Lilah Sutphen, Michael Wolchansky and Cara Sherman recently attended the California Conference of Bar Associations (formerly the Conference of Delegates).  Through their hard work, all BALIF resolutions were passed which means they are eligible to be taken to Sacramento.  The resolutions included three civil rights resolutions that touch on the rights of LGBT people, and one civil procedure resolution making mediations confidential like settlement conferences.  Also at the conference, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano was honored for all his hard work and our BALIF members even got to dine with him privately.  BALIF is so proud to have members who continually fight for the rights of LGBT individuals.     

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