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Join BALIF's California Conference of Bar Associations Committee!

20 Aug 2013 2:33 PM | BALIF Administrator (Administrator)
Do you want to help shape California 's laws? Join BALIF's California Conference of Bar Associations (CCBA) Committee. Each year, BALIF sends a delegation to the California Conference of Bar Associations, a group of attorneys from local, specialty, and minority bar associations across the state that are focused on improving California's laws. BALIF's CCBA Committee reviews and determines BALIF's position on resolutions that are debated at the Conference. This year, the Conference will be in San Jose from October 11-13, 2013.

BALIF's representation and participation at the Conference are crucial to ensure visibility of the LGBT legal community at the statewide level and to bring LGBT issues before the Conference. Last year, BALIF sponsored resolutions to ensure that transgender people in jails and prisons receive appropriate medical treatment.

If you want to weigh in on this year's proposed resolutions and/or join BALIF's delegation to the Conference, please email Julie Wilensky at by August 23, 2013.

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