The Transgender Law Center is proud to be one of the partners selected by the Folsom Street Fair to provide volunteers for the Folsom Street Fair and its baby brother, Up Your Alley.
To be a success, TLC needs BALIF members' help. TLC needs BALIF to step up and be a volunteer. It's easy, it's fun, and you'll still have plenty of time to enjoy the fair.
All you have to do is go to a brief orientation meeting, and then show up and work a shift. A variety of volunteer tasks are available. You'll meet terrific people and have fun while at the same time helping Transgender Law Center become a strong, solid partner of the Folsom Street Fair.
Up Your Alley is on July 28th and the Folsom Street Fair is September 29th. More information can be found here:
http://folsomstreetfair. org/fair-faq.php
Please let Trans Law Center Board Member Shawn Demmons ( know ASAP if you can volunteer for either event. TLC needs you, BALIF members!