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Message from BALIF Co-Chairs (January 29, 2013)

29 Jan 2013 10:30 PM | BALIF Administrator (Administrator)
Message from BALIF Co-Chairs

Hello BALIF Members and Friends,

We've launched our BALIF 1K Membership Contest for those of you with a competitive streak!

Between now and March 8, we're asking for your help to introduce BALIF to your legal professional colleagues. The BALIF legal eagle that refers the most number of people (new members, former members, law students) to join BALIF wins four (4) VIP Admission Tickets to BALIF's 33rd Annual Dinner and Awards Gala - the Simply Fabulous! Event on March 15.

Rules and details follow in the column below. Get that competitive spirit going, BALIF, and bring it on!

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Chelsea HaleyNelson & On Lu
BALIF Co-Chairs

Call or Email Us
Office: +1 415 874-3045

P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119