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BALIF Holiday Party!

  • 18 Dec 2013
  • Tank 18, 1345 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94103


Registration is closed

Please join us for BALIF's annual Holiday Party!

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Tank 18
1345 Howard St.
San Francisco, CA 94103

"In 2013 alone, Munger Tolles represented BALIF on a pro bono basis in amicus briefs before both the United States Supreme Court and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Specifically, in February, BALIF filed an amicus brief in the Perry Case, the challenge to California ’s Proposition 8 before the U.S. Supreme Court. Munger Tolles authored the brief, and helped coordinate dozens of other organizations nationwide as co-amici with BALIF. In October, BALIF filed an amicus brief in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in the Sevcik and Jackson cases, which challenged the same-sex marriage bans in Nevada and Hawaii . Once again, Munger Tolles authored the brief and coordinated dozens of other organizations to join BALIF as co-amici. The amicus briefs in the Perry, Sevcik, and Jackson cases are only the most recent of a number of other amicus briefs that Munger Tolles has authored on behalf of BALIF in marriage cases. Munger Tolles represented BALIF in the Perry case when it was before the Ninth Circuit in 2010, and in the marriage cases preceding Proposition 8 before the California Supreme Court in 2008. Munger Tolles has been an important historic partner with BALIF as well, and has represented BALIF in numerous other cases over the years in various courts, including issues such as discrimination in the Boy Scouts, discrimination in public facilities, and don’t ask don’t tell. BALIF recognizes Jerome Roth in particular at Munger Tolles as lead counsel on each of the amicus briefs for his dedication to BALIF and BALIF’s causes."

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P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119