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"Pitching In": A Client Pitch Workshop

  • 16 Nov 2013
  • 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Palo Alto, CA
When: November 16, 2013
Where: Palo Alto, CA

This is the first in a series of professional development workshops that SABA-NC plans to sponsor this year. The aim of these workshops will be to give younger attorneys hands-on training to develop key professional skills, with a focus on training that is difficult to get in law school or existing practical skills programs. The workshops will bring together experienced attorneys in the community to help younger lawyers work on specific skills. The first workshop will be focused on pitching a case to a potential client. Attorneys (or pairs of attorneys) interested in practicing a pitch for an IP case to potential clients should sign up. We will send out a package for interested participants with a "case" created by us and suggestions on the areas to cover in the pitch/presentation. Each person or pair of attorneys will prepare a pitch, and then pitch the case to a panel of two members - typically the panel will be made up of one in-house counsel and one senior partner at a law firm. No specific IP experience is needed to participate. The workshop will be able to accomodate at least 20 participants who want to practice pitching a client. Contact for more information. Sign up here!

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