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Minority Bar Coalition Summer Mixer

  • 28 Jul 2022
  • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Drake's Dealership, 2325 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612

Click here to register for the event!

Join our Minority Bar Coalition (MBC) member organizations for drinks and light food in a reserved outdoor patio setting. Free admission for members of any of our 50 MBC member organizations, including law students. Proof of vaccination is required.*  

This is a ticketed event. This event is not open to the general public. 

Transportation & Parking: 
The closest BART station is 19th Street Oakland, about 4 blocks away, 0.3 miles. Street parking is available nearby. ADA accessible. 

Click here to view the list of our MBC member organizations. 

Platinum Level $1,500: 
Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Gold Level $1,000: 
Goodwin Procter LLP 

Silver Level $500: 
Contra Costa County Bar Association | Ropers Majeski PC

Bronze Level $250: 
Chan Punzalan LLP | Esquire Deposition Solutions | Mary McNamara - Swanson & McNamara LLP

It's not too late to become a sponsor. If you are interested, please email with your pledge amount. All contributions are welcome; no amount is too small. Donations can be made by check or credit card to our fiscal sponsor, The Bar Association of San Francisco, Justice & Diversity Center. (And the MBC can provide an invoice.) 

* Please bring proof of vaccination. If you are unable to become vaccinated, we ask that you take a COVID-19 test up to one day before and bring a photo of your negative result.

Call or Email Us
Office: +1 415 874-3045

P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119