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Upcoming Lambda Legal Events

  • 06 Dec 2011
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Morrison Foerster, 425 Market Street San Francisco

Upcoming Lambda Legal Events

Lambda Legal Marriage Equality Panel, December 6, 6-8 pm (Hosted by Morrison Foerster)


Lambda Legal will be holding a free panel on the history of DOMA and how DOMA has recently been impacted, including the announcement by the DOJ to not defend DOMA, and Lambda Legal's own Golinski case becoming a DOMA case. The panel is being hosted by Morrison Foerster at their offices at 425 Market Street on December 6 from 6-8PM. The panel will be moderated by Lambda Legal Western Regional Director Loren R. Javier and will feature Lambda Legal Staff Attorney Tara Borelli (Co-Counsel in Golinski), MoFo Attorney Rita Lin (Co-Counsel in Golinski), Karen Golinski (Plaintiff), Claudia Center (Employment Law Center - Legal AID Society, Attorney in the Dragovich Case - another California DOMA case dealing with long term care insurance) and Andrea Shorter (Equality California).


When: December 6, 6-8 PM

Where: Morrison Foerster, 425 Market Street San Francisco

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Office: +1 415 874-3045

P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119