Ethics: Interacting with Clients with Impairments
Presented by Jerome Fishkin, Esq., and Lindsay Kohut Slatter, Esq., Fishkin Slatter LLP
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Bar Association of San Francisco, 301 Battery St., 3rd Floor, SF, Board Room
1.5 General CLE Credits*
ALRP deals with a clientele that may present issues of legal mental capacity (Prob C 810), legal dependency (Ev C 177), testamentary capacity (Prop C 6100), or undue influence (Civ C 1575). Jerome Fishkin and Lindsay Slatter will discuss the ethical issues to consider while making such evaluations.
All active ALRP Panel Attorneys and associates at partner pro bono law firms are welcome to attend any of ALRP’s free MCLE trainings. Attorneys who wish to attend but who are not currently members of ALRP are requested to join our Panel and accept two referrals in the next year. Due to space limitations, attorneys who have not yet joined our Panel are requested to attend only one free training per season. After joining the Panel, attorneys can attend as many trainings as they like.
To RSVP email trainingsvlsp@sfbar.org or call 415-782-9000 ext. 8651
*BASF/VLSP CLE programs have been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education and Legal Specialization credit by the State Bar of California. The Bar Association of San Francisco is a State Bar of California certified provider.