Vote for the 2020-2021 BALIF Board of Directors!
It's time to vote! Your voice matters in selecting the people who will lead BALIF as members of the Board.
Voting will be open April 6, 2020 to elect the BALIF Board of Directors for 2020-2021! We have a fabulous and diverse group of candidates this year!
Please click here to read the candidate statements and see who is running to join the BALIF Board!
Elections will be online from
Monday, April 6, 2020 until 4 pm on Thursday, April 16, 2020.
Due to COVID-19 and the shelter-in-place order, elections will be held solely online.
Check your inbox (and spam folder) for your personalized e-ballot. If you don't receive your e-ballot, please email
You must be a current member of BALIF in order to vote. Please make sure your membership is current!