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Deadline for ABA Diversity Fellowships

  • 30 Apr 2011
  • N/A
ABA Diversity Fellowships Available

The American Bar Association General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division is pleased to announce the sponsorship of four Diversity fellowships in the Division during the 2011-2012 bar year. Any lawyer or judge, who is a member of the Division, with a diverse background and experiences as defined by ABA Goal III, including, women, attorneys of color, and those with disabilities and persons of differing sexual orientations and gender identities are eligible for the fellowships. Fellows will receive normal Division reimbursement ($500 airfare and $100.00 per diem for two days) to attend the Division’s Fall Meeting (typically held in October), and Spring Meeting (typically held in May). Fellows are also expected to show their commitment to the Division by attending the ABA Annual Meeting.

Selection will be based on the individual’s achievement and commitment to the organized bar and General Practice, Solo and Small Firm Division’s mission and goals.Fellows will be required to attend three of the Division’s meetings during their Fellowship. Fellows also agree to remain a member of the Division for a two-year period after their Fellowship concludes and participate in the activities and program of the Division. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2011. For further information on the ABA Diversity Fellowship Program, please contact the GPSolo Division at (312) 988-5648 or You may also visit its website.

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