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An Evening with Lambda Legal

  • 23 Oct 2015
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Home of David Tsai

October 23, 2015

7:00- 9:30 pm

Enjoy an evening of cocktails, delicious appetizers, and friends at the San Francisco home of former BALIF Co-Chair David Tsai, while hearing about Lambda Legal's critical work across the country protecting and expanding the rights of LGBT people and people with HIV -. The backlash against our historic marriage victory is in full force, and we refuse to leave anyone in our community behind.  Contributions to support Lambda's work are greatly appreciated.  This event is co-sponsored by Lambda Legal National Board of Directors David de Figueiredo and David Tsai.


For more information, please contact Jessica Maxwell at 213-382-7600 or

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Office: +1 415 874-3045

P.O. Box 193383 San Francisco, CA 94119