The Asian American Bar Association LGBT committee presents Gender In/sight: A Workshop on Understanding and Unpacking Culture and Constructions of Gender To build supportive and inclusive communities, society needs to acknowledge gender and consider how gender dynamics influence daily interactions. This workshop examines racial, ethnic, and legal meanings of gender, updating cultural definitions and providing new understandings. Gender In/sight provides a tool for recognizing gender in its diverse manifestations and begins a lifelong process of learning about how gender intersects your multiple identities. Come to this workshop, led by Adam Chang and Stephanie Wildman, and learn with your colleagues to promote diversity in your legal professional work and life. Tuesday, August 25, 2015 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Farella Braun + Martel, LLP 235 Montgomery St., 17th Fl. San Francisco, CA Approved for 1.5 credits of Elimination of Bias CLE credit. Food and drinks to be served. RSVP at
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