Staff Attorney, AIDS Legal Referral Panel
Dmitri can play a mean game of Super Mario World, and once read all of War & Peace in the original Russian (less impressive when one accounts for the fact that he is originally from the Ukraine). He is happy to bring this mix of interests to his position on the BALIF Board and will work hard to ensure BALIF members get to enjoy a mix of can’t miss events throughout the year.
Social Chair
Dmitri works as a staff attorney for the AIDS Legal Referral Panel. ALRP’s mission is to help people with HIV/AIDS maintain or improve their health by resolving their legal issues. Dmitri assists his clients with all manners of civil legal issues, with an emphasis on housing matters. Prior to joining the staff at ALRP, Dmitri was an assistant reference librarian at the San Francisco Law Library and interned at the Eviction Defense Collaborative.